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Call for Papers


Paper Formatting and Instructions:

Authors are invited to submit papers describing original, previously unpublished work not currently under review by another conference, workshop, or journal. Several paper formats are designed to improve the interactions of experts over different stages in research development.

  • Full Regular papers (maximum 8 pages including references and appendices) should present novel perspectives within the general scope of the conference.

  • Short papers (maximum 4 pages plus references) are an opportunity to present preliminary or interim results on hot topics.

All papers submitted for review must follow the standard IEEE two-column conference format. All accepted papers will be published in the BuildSec proceedings and IEEE Xplore. Papers must be submitted through Easychair.

All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed using a double-blind review process. The paper should be anonymised, such that all identifying information (either explicit or implied – for example, names, affiliations, acknowledge and funding sources) should be removed from the initial submission. Although submission is double-blind, the existence or availability of non-anonymous preprints (on arXiv or other preprint servers) will not lead to your paper being rejected. Reviewers will be instructed not to look for such preprints actively, but encountering them will not constitute a conflict of interest.

Paper Subission Link: